Bandwidth question


Verified User
Jul 20, 2004
Does DA count a transfer for a others services than www+mysql+ftp.. runned on some account ?For example my user is running a shoutcast on some port and i want to add this traffic to the main one.
If it is possible please notice me how :)
thanks for reply.
I think those are the only services that are logged.
You might be able to make a script that would parse the shoutcast log the way DA counts its usage from the other sevices and then add that to the users main bytes.log so that, that bandwidth would show up used in his account, or something similar to that.

playing with a logs isnt a good solution in this case.
For now:
I have installed iptraf , set a filters on ports which interest me.
Im running it with screen so i can see total trafic on this port all the time.
But this do not satisfy me ...with more shoucasts logging isnt doable.
Well like you could get all bytes for the particular shoutcast server with a cron then also have it add it to the latest bandwidth usage in the /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/admin/bandwidth.tally file.
Hello Jm,

That sounds interesting. And I would like to try that. How do I go about making that happen ?

(Linux newbie here)

Thanks !