bandwidth thru ip 'bug'


Verified User
Aug 6, 2004
Hi all,

the last few days i spended my time on checking out the way directadmin logs hits / datatraffic to an domain.

the first wrong setup i think they did is to log everything bij domain instead of by username.

this is why i think so:


i create a user called myfiles and i attach no domain to it (only a fake one.

now i'm calling these files like this:

normaly this hit should be logt into /var/httpd/log/myfiles.access.log

it doesn't get logt!

because of this problem i got an server doing 5mbit (550gig)
and directadmin tells me the server has only done 18gig.

I really need a solution to this problem.

Anyone had the same problems?
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We've long suspected this issue, but haven't taken time to confirm it.

This is a HUGE issue for those paying per mbit.

It's also a huge hole to be advertised publically here - everyone now knows that it CAN be done - and exactly how to do it. Thats just one reason why I advocate making these forums private for licensed customers only.

Hopefully DA will address this issue immediately

The ~username bandwidth *is* logged. It's put into /var/log/httpd/homedir.log.

Every night DA will parse this info and add all usage to the appropriate user based on their usage.

Thanks for clarifying that for us, John.

I thought this had been addressed previously on the forum but I couldn't find it.

still doesn;t explain the uge cap of data

the only thing i can really see is that users that normaly do 35gig a day not even reach 500kb a day
I recall getting an email from a client saying that his client uses ~username, normally does a huge amount of data but nothing was showing up (sounds the same as what you describe).

However in his case, the problem was that that server wasn't being used at all, so the counting was in fact correct.

If you are sure he is using bandwidth with ~username, then browse through the /var/log/httpd/homedir.log to make sure that there are in fact files being listed there under his username. Also, test out downloading one of his file yourself, and confirm that the log entry is showing up in the homedir.log file.

i will do so.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 37044725 Nov 10 23:24 homedir.log

Reseller stats of nudelogger

nudelogger 584.89 / unlimited 509.76 / 2000 0 2 / unlimited No

when i log into nudelogger stats

Disk Space (mb) 509.76 2000.0
Bandwidth (gb) 0.5711 unlimited

Could there be anything else wrong?

It looks like the homedir.log never been processed
the homedir file is uge and it logs the hit on<removed due to nudity>.jpg

Make sure that crond is running.

If you check your /var/log/cron file, the dataskq program should be showing up every minute.

service crond start
/usr/sbin/cron -s
if it's FreeBSD.

cron is working ok

Nov 11 00:08:00 server2 CROND[28541]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq)
Nov 11 00:09:00 server2 CROND[28553]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq)
Nov 11 00:10:00 server2 CROND[28561]: (root) CMD (echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue)
Nov 11 00:10:00 server2 CROND[28563]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq)
Nov 11 00:11:00 server2 CROND[28704]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq)

mm homedir is processed

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38152 Nov 11 00:12 homedir.log