Bandwidth totals question


New member
Dec 4, 2009
On Direct Admin, I have noticed it takes a full day to update the transfer statistics. I might be wrong, since I don't exactly time it - but there is definitely a time delay.

I don't mind this so much, but there is one major concern I have with this. Does that mean it will take DA that long to determine if someone has gone over their quota and suspend them?. If so, is there any way I can speed up the bandwidth calculations (assuming DA uses a cron for this).

Thank you for your time.
Hello there!

This is my concern, too! I am about to decide if I will proceed to purchase this control panel, as I am in testing period, and I am having the same question.

Actually I noticed that on the page "Site Summary / Statistics / Logs" there is the button "update" besides the "Total Disk Usage (MB)", which force the system to update the curent usage. As the system understands that, it stops accepting data via FTP access, which is what we need. The question now is if this can be done automatically more often than once per day and how this can be scheduled.

Continuing my concern regarding the suspend features, I noticed that this is not happening for the "bandwidth" limit, even if there is a button besides the "Bandwidth (MB)" line. The button opens a web page with a table including daily details, which is really useful, but it still has the previous day's details. No "update" option is available for bandwith. Is there a way to re-schedule these two critical limits for the suspend mode, in order to be checked at least 3-4 times per day instead of once?

Thanks a lot in advance! ;)

Best regards,

Angelos Pitsos
This is sad. It's been over half a month now and still no response. This forum seems to be dead - either that or nobody knows the answer.
This is sad. It's been over half a month now and still no response. This forum seems to be dead - either that or nobody knows the answer.

The forum is not dead. Please se the following article in DirectAdmin Knowledge Base:

Make the bandwidth, diskusage and webalizer stats update more often:

Default is that the tally runs ten minutes after midnight every day, and then the bandwidth and other statistic is updated. You can change this to run as often you like, but be aware that every time the tally run, it will restart httpd.
One way you could check is to create a account with 10 mb bandwidth and then download a 100 mb file and see if it suspends the account