Beating an Ancient Equine - SSH Jail


Verified User
Jan 7, 2005
Hi All,

There's been talk of SSH jailing since 2003 at least. Has anyone come up with a workable solution for this yet? Thanks!
As I understand it, there is already a beta jailing system, however not enough people were/are testing it for DirectAdmin to fix all the bugs and make it part of the main distribution (or optional installation)
zaphod said:
Hi All,

There's been talk of SSH jailing since 2003 at least. Has anyone come up with a workable solution for this yet? Thanks!

I am waiting too. It is probably one of the biggest things holding a lot of people back given it is a huge security issue and even crap CPs like Ensim and Plesk have it standard :(
It really is the only thing holding us back from switching to DirectAdmin as our preferred solution.
Most panel's I've seen have some SSH built in, and DirectAdmin is really not much different. I've evaluated several panels, there are several leading panels that don't have Jailed SSH... but all have SSH.

DirectAdmin, IMHO really needs to work on the Jail so it's 100% compatible.

There's been talk of "version 2" coming - maybe it'll be part of that, I dunno - but Jailed SSH is DESPERATELY needed to remain competitive. said:
There's been talk of "version 2" coming - maybe it'll be part of that, I dunno - but Jailed SSH is DESPERATELY needed to remain competitive.

Where did you hear that? The only mention of v2 that I've heard was the thread here around a year ago containing suggestions for a v2 release not that it was on the way yet.
the only way they going to get it tested is add it to skin add an optional script to install it (like apache 2) and dive in that way, be preapred for floods of bug reports. They can add a disclaimer saying its strictly beta.

I dont understand the development recently their can be many weeks between version's and the changes made are very tiny so it seems as if the coding is done for 1 min per day at times.

I believe you have no idea how many lines the average programmer codes in a day.

The following should be taken with as big a grain of salt as you dare, since it's from Microsoft research:

"creating and documenting code is about $20/line. It costs another 150% to test the code (add $30/line). After shipping, it costs another $30/line to support and maintain the code"

And goes on...

$50 per line to maintain
5-50 lines per day per programmer

Having been a programmer, and knowing the amount of testing that can go on, I can believe these numbers.

And of course the more Distributions we want/expect DA to work on, the more testing, and the slower the code can be released.

So you have to ask yourself (a) are you willing to pay more? and (b) are you willing to live with more bugs?

I like where DA is. Your mileage may vary.


I do think these lines of code are worth quite a bit though, certainly more than the the current perceived value. :-)
Ok so I misunderstood the diffilculty in coding, personally tho I would like them to finish anything half finished before adding new distros/new features.