So, I've been using the built in backup system since I was using all domains in 1 account. And doing weekly backups for small websites.
But now I have multiple accounts and the websites space and number has increased.
What is my best option to backup the server data with moderate size?
I've been trying jetbackup. But it seems to be great when it's not tested.
When I tried to restore the websites with it I faced multiple problems and headaches and now all of my websites are not working.
So I won't consider jetbackup as a viable option anymore.
All I want is incremental backups and some options.
I know that directadmin are going to implement it one day. And saw the voting and what not.
But I'm not talking about the future. I want to know what should I use now.
The built in backup takes so much space.
Any idea guys?
So, I've been using the built in backup system since I was using all domains in 1 account. And doing weekly backups for small websites.
But now I have multiple accounts and the websites space and number has increased.
What is my best option to backup the server data with moderate size?
I've been trying jetbackup. But it seems to be great when it's not tested.
When I tried to restore the websites with it I faced multiple problems and headaches and now all of my websites are not working.
So I won't consider jetbackup as a viable option anymore.
All I want is incremental backups and some options.
I know that directadmin are going to implement it one day. And saw the voting and what not.
But I'm not talking about the future. I want to know what should I use now.
The built in backup takes so much space.
Any idea guys?