Best DA anti-spam solution?


Verified User
Oct 31, 2006
Am using MailScanner, SpamBlocker (built in) and SpamAssassin but still have domains deluged by spam. Anyone got any better ideas?

I guess the problem is inherent to spam filters really - the spammers keep on innovating to fool them.
I'm presuming that pucky means that he's going to at some point offer a plugin.

But I hope he'll respond and be more specific.

We recommend something called nolisting; if you've got an extra IP and you can make sure that smtp won't answer on it.

Look here.

I am not sure if it will work or not. I loved it at first and then I read this:

It mentions that spammers will often connect to the lowest priority server first to avoid spam software running on the primary.

I don't know what spammers are likely to do but it can hurt to do the nolisting thing.

Maybe if the real mailserver was listed in the middle. Like have the unresponsive server as the highest and the lowest.
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Some companies are trying:

MX 0 always off
MX 10 always on
MX 20 always on
MX 30 always off

and you can certainly try:

MX 0 always off
MX 10 always on
MX 20 always off

if you'd like. We may try it and recommend it later.

We've also got a few other ideas in the works... some of which require multiple IP#s.

That's why SpamBlocker3 is taking so long to come out of Beta.

I've been using the

MX 0 always off
MX 10 always on
MX 20 always off

configuration as have certainly noticed a drop in spam.
Some spammers target the highest MX value as often the antispam solutions aren't as good on backup email servers.
Hmm I'm wanting to try:

MX 0 always off
MX 10 always on
MX 20 always on, but on a different server (backup).

Will this work at all?
It'll attract an awful lot of spam, especially if it doesn't know to reject for nonexistent mailboxes.

And how will you then get the email to the server your clients log into?

As long as you know how to make sure that the mx 20 server will only accept email for valid users, and you know how to get mail it accepts back to the main server.
