[BETA] DNS master2slave


NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
We've just released the beta test release of DNS master2slave.

We've talked about this product under the thread "DNS Replicator" for some time, and we've decided it's time for it to see the light of day.

We've released this product as DNS master2slave and we're reserving the name DNS Replicator for a commercial version with a web-based frontend.

But DNS master2slave will always be free.

The code is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 2, and will always be free as in speech, free as in beer.

Please let us know how it works for you, and if the README file is satisfactory or if it's too geeky and needs more work :) .

We'd appreciate your test implementations and feedback as we'd like to take this out of BETA status as soon as possible.

You can find the tarball here.

Thanks for your patience; as you know, taking care of business must always come first.

Installation is available; contact us by email or telephone (Private Messages work, but are often slow to reach us) for pricing information.

Thank you ;)

First of all, it's just too late for me to switch to this version at the moment (just completed server move to new DC), but I'll try to do it within a month or so. For now, I just read the code.

I do have a few issues:
1. In getzone.sh you use the eth0 ip, this isn't in all cases the DA/external IP, so could you perhaps change this to the setup.txt ip entered in DA ? (that one will always work ;)). Or at least give people the choice about it.
2. You appear to be reloading named more than needed, however reloading doesn't really mind.
3. Perhaps add a .htaccess to the masters http config access location, to avoid people trying to find it or trying to access it.

Furthermore, when I've got time, I'll set it up in my test environment, dying to see how it will react ;).

edt: Too geeky ? - Never, although the checkdomains.pl took me a while to read.
Going to try this one :) I hope i can figure it all out :D

Edit: I got 4 servers.

is it possible to make 2 dns server and also DA on it offcourse and let the other 2 also use those DNS servers?

If so. How do i do that?
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Thanks for your ideas; I believe we can get 1 & 3 put into the code tree.

Can you tell us where we're doing unnecessary reloads? I don't want it to do any more than necessary.



I'm not sure if I'm understanding your properly.

You can have multiple slaves reading multiple servers.

We have figured out how to warn you if you end up trying to load duplicate slave zones, and to leave them out, since otherwise BIND won't restart.

I my english sucks but i will give it a try :D

I got 4 DirectAdmin servers.


They have all there own dns servers.


server3 and server4 are in a other netwerk.
they use ns1.intronic.nl - ns4.intronic.nl

Now i want to use server3 and server1 as dns servers.



I also want server2 and server4 to use those DNS server. So ns1.intronic-is.nl and ns2.intronic-is.nl. I want to use those dns server for all my domains i host.

Is this script able to do this? If so, How :D
Based on my reading your post it appears doable.

Unfortunately I'm quite busy now and cannot take the time to offer free support to all possible uses of the scripts I've given the community.

Perhaps someone else will jump in and help you, or perhaps you'll want to pay someone to set up a solution for you.

Using master2slave on two servers.


Today I installed master2slave on my two server and created the following situation:
server 01 - server01.thastudio.be
- master
- ns1.thastudio.be (IP on the same server)
- ns2.thastudio.be (IP on the same server)

server 02 - server02.thastudio.be
- slave
- no nameservers
- has two free IP addresses

But does a domainname work when I configure him on server02.thastudio.be or do I have to do other things first?

And the domainname thastudio.be is configured on server 01, but do I have to make an A record on server 01 to the IP address of server 02 or do I have to configure server02.thastudio.be on server 02?

I hope I explained everything clear enough, if not you can always ask...

Thanks in advance
thastudio, I've merged your thread into the already existing thread for [BETA] DNS master2slave, since it's not a DA officially supported product.

You need to create a nameserver on your second server. Perhaps someone else can take the time to teach you how to do that.

You need at least two nameservers, and all domains must have NS records for both these nameservers (in the DNS zone files created on your DA swerver).

What our scripts do is create slave zones on nameserver 2, but all the correct "stuff" needs to be in the zonefile on the first nameserver, or it won't help.

Great question. I haven't heard from anyone.

Is DNS master2slave ready to move from beta to release?

What is the srarus of this now that DA will release clustering?
Has DA announced they're releasing clustering? If so, please let me know where, as I can't find the release anywhere :( .

Edit: nevermind... found it.

It doesn't matter to us; DNS master2slave is not control-panel specific; it'll work between any two or more systems. So of course it's still a good free product, which we will support.


I'm testing it. I will post my results shortly.

The installation is a breeze, no real problems. But the readme file is not correct.

First, there are a lot of gremlin characters in the file at the start of the indented lines. After replacing these with a normal space I was able to read the text.

Master 6) doesn't work because the "cp" command on the end is commented out. Also is written "$weboroot" which should be "$webroot" of course.

Slave 6) should not be "sortdomains.pl" but "checkdomains.pl".

I'll take a look at the readme the next time I'm in the office.

It works!

But only after debugging some permissions since named was not able to write the .db files.

I got no errors of your script, but got "Sep 10 18:02:35 xxxx named[1314]: dumping master file: /var/named/slaves/namedftp/x.x.x.x/tmp-XXXXKdUhJM: open: permission denied" for each zone in /var/log/messages. I have solved it with brute force (with a chmod 777 on the path) so I have to investigate this further.
I'm not sure what you mean by named not being able to write the .db files? On the master or the slave server?

What did you chmod 777 ?

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On the slave, I listed the error message. Only after a recursive chmod of the total var directory it worked. The error appears after reloading named.

It's on Centos 3.5 with Bind 9.2.4.
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Can you tell me what the ownership of the directory and files are on the slave server?
var is root, named is named, slaves is named, namedftp is root, ip is named, db files are named. gues I know the problem already (namedftp).