[BETA] LogViewer (Advanced User Level Log access)


Verified User
Feb 12, 2004
[RELEASED] LogViewer (Advanced User Level Log access)

This plugin enables your users to view logs, much like the Log Viewer feature available on the Admin level of DirectAdmin.
This plugin allows for custom configurations to the logs that will be available to your users.
You can add, delete, and edit all logs to your liking by editing a single file.

A screenshot can be found here

Current version: [COLOR=dark-blue]1.1.0a[/COLOR]
Released 7-10-05 11:58pm MST
Status: Released


1.1.0 -> 1.1.0a changelog
+ Supports 21 Day Trial licenses

1.0.2 -> 1.1.0 changelog
+ View Raw Log file implemented (Beta/Unstable)
+ Installation checks for non-linux system
+ Possible php safe_mode workaround fix
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I'm also interested in beta testing this plugin.

Just Sernt email...
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1.0.1 has just been released. You can upgrade through DirectAdmin's plugin manager.

See my first post for the changelog.
Now that beta testing is done for most intensive purposes, I have modified the license mechanism to our live key server, 1.0.2
This does require a new license key be generated.
Accounts which had activated licenses have been transfered over and can be accessed at: http://www.mark87.com/orders/client_area.php
If you can't login and can't retrieve your password no need to worry!
For those that hadn't activated their licenses yet and for any others interested in this plugin, use the cupon "QpzV3N92lgy" to get it for free.
This cupon will expire on the 23rd

Pick up yours at: http://www.mark87.com/orders

If you have any questions or need help, email me at [email protected]
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Hmm I get Error[3733X]: Invalid API fingerprint...exiting on accessing the page :(
I forgot to update the order portion of the site, it should be working now.
Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
I know this thread is old, but is there still a coupon for this? I'd like to check it out, but it keeps showing up as $5.
Everybodies got to make a living somehow ;)

Send me a Pm and I'll setup a trial license for you.
I looked into it but didn't find any way to compile the source to a secure bytecode such as zend or ioncube for php.
I haven't tested it, but since the script is being run by a higher level user, it might be possible to provide a compatible php.ini file which would be used by the plugin overiding the default php.ini. That way you can keep your safe_mode settings for your users but still have the plugin work.

I'm still having trouble with my box (rather old) so I'll just have the wrapper compiled when the plugin is installed instead of bundling a native freebsd binary.
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I just released v1.1.0
This version introduces a beta version of the View Raw Log function.

I was originally just going to have the wrapper compiled during the installation, however there is a permissions problem somwhere down the line that I haven't been able to nail. So, if you are running FreeBSD you will be provided manual compile instructions during the plugin installation.

A possible work-around to the safe_mode and disabled function issues has been implemented but I haven't been able to fully test if this works. If you've got safe_mode on and disabled functions such as (system(), exec() etc.) let me know how this version works.
A small note. If you don't recieve an email with installation instructions or registration details, please contact us. There are still a few bugs in the licensing system :eek:
I get the following error message when trying to access the LogViewer:

The file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/logviewer/user/frontend.php has been encoded with the ionCube PHP Encoder and requires the free ioncube_loader_lin_4.3.so ionCube PHP Loader to be installed.

Where do I place the ionCube files?
