BFD from R-fx Networks vs. IE8/IE9


Verified User
Sep 27, 2006
We really like using APF & BFD from R-fx Networks, but on occasion, we've noticed some interesting issues not necessarily associated with BFD, but rather IE8 & IE9.

Some of our clients like to use IE8 & IE9 for FTP purposes. Don't ask me why. However, I personally have noticed that since IE8 came on the market, that it apparently causes some issues with BFD, in that when a user uses IE8 (or IE9) for FTP, the browser seems to make literally hundreds of anonymous FTP login attempts within a matter of seconds.

I'm sure that everyone is familiar with using a browser to connect via FTP. My question is, is there something in IE8/IE9 that would send hundreds of anonymous login requests before or at the same time the browser would display the standard username/password pop-up?

On the same client's box (Windows 7) using Firefox or Safari, we did not see these numerous anonymous login attempts for FTP in the url.

Is there something from M$ that would cause such insanity? (Well, okay, I know that's a rhetorical question). However, these clients do end up triggering BFD and get themselves blocked by our servers.

It's obviously a browser-based issue, and only started with IE8. Any M$ gurus have suggestions? I'm just curious, as I am currently instructing said clients of the use of true FTP clients.
