In BFM I see lots of bellow informations but I don't know how counters are works. I have read DA docs (Brute Force Monitor: modsec_audit.log Mod_Security) but I don't understand them .
Anybody can me explain bucause many my clients are block and usually I see posstion FM: mod_security2=50. When I ask them what do they do. They say that nothing or they are working in admin wordpress panel. I have a big problem because I can't catch where is the an issue
Anybody can me explain bucause many my clients are block and usually I see posstion FM: mod_security2=50. When I ask them what do they do. They say that nothing or they are working in admin wordpress panel. I have a big problem because I can't catch where is the an issue
- BFM: dovecot1=100 (US/United States/xxxxxxxxxxx)
- BFM: exim1=100 (LT/Lithuania/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- BFM: mod_security2=50 (RU/Russia/xxxxxxxxxxxx)