Billing manager?


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Hi guys,

DirectAdmin looks nice. Just one question:

what do you use for managing your invoices? how do clients pay? DirectAdmin seems to handle all the technical aspect of hosting, but the other half is missing: all the billing stuff, with VAT calculation, interfacing with PayPal, Credit Card online payment systems, ...

Are you all doing this by hand?

whmcs and clientexec are both well built programs. they work and integrate with directadmin well.
Client Exec (NOT)

Client Exec works great.....however, we recently wanted to purchase an upgrade, but their website does NOT offer SSL checkout. In other words, you are risking your personal/business information being sent "in the clear" if you perform a transaction with Client Exec.

I informed them of this months ago, to no avail. Their repsonse was non-chalant.

Their product may work well, but we aren't about to risk our corparate credit card info being stolen.

I simply do not understand the attitude of a person or business that sells a product online and does not care about the security of their customers' information.

We are switching to something else.

Client Exec works great.....however, we recently wanted to purchase an upgrade, but their website does NOT offer SSL checkout.
Are you sure? The https is fine with me, once I added it of course - I agree its lame for the links to point to http.

I just tweeted to ask why.
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I don't like clientexec.

I have bought the lease terms once. After 4 hours, my order was still pending. Every order have to be approved manually. Plus, they don't accept gmail accounts. After buying whmcs, i have cancelled my clientexec order right from the customer panel & i can read "pending cancellation", just like i had to ask to cancel an order that was never approved & THIS is the clientexec billing process. That does not encourage me to buy clientexec.

Compared to that with whmcs, it was super fast to get an account & install the website on my server. Whmcs isn't perfect but has enough features to develop your "customized billing module"

There are many billing modules out there who claim to have a directadmin module but when you install them, there is no interactions with directadmin and you have to find the obscure extension. On the other hand, with Whms the directadmin interface is embedded in the system. It is pretty cool to create user account automatically after billing with Whmcs.