Blocking entire countries...

Verified User
Apr 22, 2006
Miami Beach
I was curious to hear your opinions on blocking entire countries from server access.
I am refering to a shared hosting environment in North America with NO clients in these countries... However My users would not have access to clients or developers from these countries either.
I am sure YOU know exactly which countries I am refering to! China, India, Pakistan.
My security is fine. however... with every attempt coming from esentially useless countries why not shut them off?
Up side?? down side?? unforseen problems?
I'm also about to block a few myself... there are a few clients that have no use for anyone outside the USA, and 99.9% of all attempts come from these countries.
you can block a country with CSF using de country code.

this feature can be configure in the csf.conf file in /etc/csf/csf.conf
at the line 325, you will find this:


For Example:

if you want to block China:


If you want to block china and eeuu:


I dont know if you can do this with the gui front end.


My servers are already to block anyone I wish, however I was trying to see if the frustration I had over failed attempts was worth the end results.
I am still out on this, the other day I watched 2 programs back to back, one on India and the other on China, the top 2 I would block. It made me think, 1/3 of the worlds population and amazing future growth.... Block them or invite them....