bounce email problem return path


Verified User
Apr 15, 2014

I have a domain with a email software to send newsletter, that email software does also process bounce emails, but since I moved to a directadmin server it is not working anymore

I found that, when an email is send via the script to an invalid email address, the bounce email is not being return to the bounce email address but instead the NDR is deliver to the "from" address

the script developer told me this: "It is possible that your mail server does not allow the "return-path" to be overwritten which causes bounced message got returned to the "from" address instead"

so I went and check, and it is true, all the NDR messages are being deliver to the [email protected] and they are there, I need it to be deliver to [email protected] as specified in the script software

Can anyone help with this issue?

Thank you
You could create a file named .forward at:


That .forward file should contain the email address you want email delivered to, for example [email protected]

This will then forward all email sent to the user system email for that account, including [email protected].
You could create a file named .forward at:


That .forward file should contain the email address you want email delivered to, for example [email protected]

This will then forward all email sent to the user system email for that account, including [email protected].


I have created the forward and did a test but it did not work, I did not received the email at [email protected], does this file need to have special permissions like 777 ?

but this will forward all the domains? so if I have 2 installations of the script, all the bounce emails will end on the same inbox and they will be process by the first site that run the bounce process correct? this will mean the first site will delete all the bounce emails
If you set permission 777 it will not work. It should have permissions 644

It will forward all email that is sent to the default email address that was automatically created when you created the account.
If you set permission 777 it will not work. It should have permissions 644

It will forward all email that is sent to the default email address that was automatically created when you created the account.

I tried your solution, and it did not work for me, I did not received the emails neither in the bounce, neither in the admin, after I deleted the .forward file, I am now receiving again in the admin

thank you
Then you are doing something wrong. You did put the email address as content of the file .forward? It will of course not work if the file is empty.
I don't really like ditto's solution, since all email sent to the address will be forwarded.

And I'm not sure what migmac means by the from address. It should be possible to allow the return-path to be set, but to do that the user needs to be trusted sender. If you're server administrator you can set that in your exim.conf file, and restart exim. Otherwise you need your venddor to do it for you.

Other issues?

My understanding is that when an email is undeliverable the recipient server isn't boncing it at all, but rather usually just not accepting it. So I'm not sure how the bounces address is supposed to work. I know, for example, that if you send an email to a non-existent address at my domain, hosted on one of my DirectAdmin-based servers, you don't get anything to your bounce address, but rather your email is immediately refused. It's possible that the sending software, seing the immediate refusal, could send an email to the bounce address, but that would be up to the script-writer to implement.

The script you're using does one of several things:

1. (Unlikely) it acts as a mailserver and attempts to send the email direct to the recipient server itself, not even using exim on your server. Based on the author's reply I don't think he's doing it this way. If he is I strongly suggest you don't use the script, this method bypasses your logging.

2. Sends email by calling the mailserver directly; this is usually called the sendmail interface even though our servers use exim, because generally it calls an alias called sendmail which points to exim.

3. Sends email through port 25 or 587 on the localhost.

If you're still having problems after the trusted sender is set, then once you tell us which it's doing I'll try to trace through the steps being taken to send the email, and we can see where it's failing.
