I am kind of cheating here, this question is not for my DA server right now, but I know I will need to know this for that machine shortly.
I have a perl script that I need to allow for in one of my domains, but I can't recall the properl directive to add to allow for execution of perl scripts from a particular directory. And my apache books are at the office.
This is apache 2 (if that matters, not a DA server).
Thanks in advance. I am feeling pretty stupid tonight!
I am kind of cheating here, this question is not for my DA server right now, but I know I will need to know this for that machine shortly.
I have a perl script that I need to allow for in one of my domains, but I can't recall the properl directive to add to allow for execution of perl scripts from a particular directory. And my apache books are at the office.
This is apache 2 (if that matters, not a DA server).
Thanks in advance. I am feeling pretty stupid tonight!