"bread crumbs" at top of pages


Verified User
Apr 22, 2006
Miami Beach
I know I could do this, but then I would have to redo the template with every version update.
So, would it be possible for DA to include the Path "bread crumb" on the top of the page too. This would be very helpful.
(by this I mean the " DirectAdmin Forums > General > Feedback & Feature Requests " like on this page, in DA it is only at the bottom of the pages, I personally would save a lot of time without having to scroll down every page, or hit the "HOME" icon all the time
I know I could do this, but then I would have to redo the template with every version update.
So, would it be possible for DA to include the Path "bread crumb" on the top of the page too. This would be very helpful.
(by this I mean the " DirectAdmin Forums > General > Feedback & Feature Requests " like on this page, in DA it is only at the bottom of the pages, I personally would save a lot of time without having to scroll down every page, or hit the "HOME" icon all the time

you could copy the defualt skin directory, rename and modify it. All updates affects only the default DA skins, not the copied one.

I just added it in, but I'll be honest in that in the enhanced skin.. I dont really like how it looks... I won't make it permanent (won't be in the next release)

However, expanding on how to add it in without losing it for updates is fairly easy.. you don't need to copy directories or anything like that, there are features in place for this exact purpose.

This is the code we want to add:
<font class=tree>|USERNAME|</font> |TREE|
pretty simple.

It needs to go into the header_wide.html and header_bar.html files just below the </table> for the top row of buttons (just before the last <table ...>)

So how you do that is as follows:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/enhanced/
cp header_bar.html header_bar2.html
cp header_wide.html header_wide2.html
echo "HTM_HEADER_BAR=header_bar2.html" >> files_custom.conf
echo "HTM_HEADER_FULL=header_full2.html" >> files_custom.conf
Then you edit the header_bar2.html and header_full2.html to suite your needs. The files_custom.conf overrides all other files_*.conf files (it's checked first) and what it does is lets you hijack what files are used, allowing you to point the previous DA files to your own.

This is good because your files are always safe from overwrite because they have different names (assuming we dont decide one day to use files with the same name.. in this case, not likely). it's also good because all other changes/additions we make to the skins will sill get updated so you will stay current, which wouldn't be the case if you were to copy the skins over to your own entirely new skin.

Hope this helps! ;)
