Breaking a 10GB user with symlinks or other


Verified User
Sep 28, 2004
Hi All,

I have a user with few large UserPics directory in his homedir public_html/UserPics (5GB)
public_html/Albums (3GB)
public_html/Images (2GB)

Nightly backups are turning to be a heavy load even for the 24GB of RAM with dual xeon 5620.

So we want to rearrange the setup.
I want to open new user accounts - one for each of those large directories.
I then want to move the actual directories to their new accounts.

Last, I 'just need to symlink' from the original account to the new account.

At least that's what we are hoping is needed.
But, I'm thinking of ownership and permissions and I'm not sure what will happen.
Do I need / Can I add additional paths in the httpd.conf of the users to include new accessible directories?

Those directories will continue to grow and need to add more files, so I don't know what I need to do else to make this happen (do I need to?)

Will the backups fail if they see different ownership on those dires/files in the 'other' new users?

If you can think of how to do this with MOUNT it will help.

Thanks for any pointers.

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