Bring back hybrid theme


Verified User
Sep 19, 2019
Why was it removed? It was the most user-friendly, cleanest and best layout for most users, also the most similar to cPanel which made the switch for users better. Who DirectAdmin is listening to? Seriously, some changes are becoming annoying.
There was no such thing as a hybrid layout. When hybrid layout is selected, it would always use the Icons Grid layout for normal users. For the administrator or reseller who selected the hybrid layout, it would switch between the Icons Grid and the Sidebar layout depending on which access level is currently active.

No layout is actually removed. Just the set of rules to dynamically jump between already existing layouts.

I would recommend continuing to use the Icons Grid layout for your users (because hybrid is the same as Icons Grid for normal users). And for administrators and resellers, if they liked the Sidebar layout more, they can pick it in the user Skin Options section.
There was no such thing as a hybrid layout. When hybrid layout is selected, it would always use the Icons Grid layout for normal users. For the administrator or reseller who selected the hybrid layout, it would switch between the Icons Grid and the Sidebar layout depending on which access level is currently active.

No layout is actually removed. Just the set of rules to dynamically jump between already existing layouts.

I would recommend continuing to use the Icons Grid layout for your users (because hybrid is the same as Icons Grid for normal users). And for administrators and resellers, if they liked the Sidebar layout more, they can pick it in the user Skin Options section.
it does make a huge different for resellers. The thing is it was easier to have the icons grid for users and for resellers/admins the sidebar. Just like cPanel did.
@itscoffetime do you mean that sidebar layout is better for admin/reseller accounts in general? Admins and resellers can use sidebar layout if they prefer it by selecting it from the Skin Options page (the Skin Options only affect the current user, not to be confused with the Skin Customization page).

Or do you mean that live layout swapping (when admin or reseller changes his access level) was a useful feature? From our perspective this was the anti-feature we actually wanted to eliminate because a single layout is capable of working in any access level. A live layout swap just causes more confusion.
I am really disappointed in DA since they made the menu fixed on the left hand side since then the whole theme has become a cluttered mess.
@itscoffetime do you mean that sidebar layout is better for admin/reseller accounts in general? Admins and resellers can use sidebar layout if they prefer it by selecting it from the Skin Options page (the Skin Options only affect the current user, not to be confused with the Skin Customization page).

Or do you mean that live layout swapping (when admin or reseller changes his access level) was a useful feature? From our perspective this was the anti-feature we actually wanted to eliminate because a single layout is capable of working in any access level. A live layout swap just causes more confusion.
The icons grid is perfect for users since it is easy to navigate through and good for users that have moved over from cPanel.

The side bar looks much cleaner for resellers and once again its similar to cPanel/WHM so helps customers with the transition. Also when the user/reseller switches to reseller or to user the layout makes it obvious to the customer with the clear change. I do not see any confusion there but it makes it clear to the customer instead.

That is the reason we prefer the Hybrid layout for our reseller clients. Please look into brining it back.
@itscoffetime do you mean that sidebar layout is better for admin/reseller accounts in general? Admins and resellers can use sidebar layout if they prefer it by selecting it from the Skin Options page (the Skin Options only affect the current user, not to be confused with the Skin Customization page).

Or do you mean that live layout swapping (when admin or reseller changes his access level) was a useful feature? From our perspective this was the anti-feature we actually wanted to eliminate because a single layout is capable of working in any access level. A live layout swap just causes more confusion.
Thing is, for managing resellers or server, the sidebar is easier to manage because things are "listed" so it is easier to use, whoever, for users, the icon grid os more friendly. Each have an issue, for me managing resellers with icons it takes me more time to find things, but managing users with "list" is more difficult.

I don't know why making things harder for users, specially resellers or people without knowleage, have received a bunch of support tickets about users don't liking this.

I haven't explained it as well as @samsda, but honestly, I don't know since when DA have stopped listening to clients, why change what it wasn't broken, the new feature changing colors doesn't help either, cause it is still "messy", why don't bring back what worked? It was easier to bring that back that creating a new feature about changing colors. I still have a two servers with cPanel which I was thinking to bring to DA, but this would cause more confusion to the clients, when before, it was similar.

Highly disappointed. And no, swaping didn't cause any confusion, quite the opposite, it was quite useful and if someone considered confusing, they can just not use it.