Broken pipes in db restore


Verified User
Aug 4, 2005
Before I posted this I searched, but didnt find any real how-to to fix it.

I am transferring a user's backup and I am getting the error:

Unable to restore database 'db' : ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'db'@'localhost' (using password: YES) gunzip: stdout: Broken pipe .

This is the same for all of his databases. This is the only user out of 20 which has this problem. Answers/tips can also be send to splinterworld |at| hotmail |dot| com.


I'm assuming you're using the "upload" feature for the restore of a gz sql file.

DA uses the password used by the logged in User for the restore of the backup.

If you are using the "Login As" feature to be logged in as the user you're working on, then you Reseller password is actually being used, as DA doesn't know what the users password is (Reseller password is in the sessions file). The Reseller's password would then be used for the restore, but since it's not the correct password, the restore fails.

Be sure to actually be logged in as the user, with their correct password.

I am logged as the user owner of the database I want to restore, and the problem remains :(

This is the error message I am receiving...

Unable to restore database avancesvo_iepdb : ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'avancesvo'@'localhost' (using password: YES) gunzip: stdout: Broken pipe
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It's telling you that the username "avancesvo" isn't being accepted. Try deleting the database, then readding it through DA so DA sets up the avancesvo user again in mysql. Also, try changing your DA password (big password button at the top), then change it back again. This will also reset the mysql password, assuming it's added in mysql already.

You can test the username/password in /phpMyAdmin. That will need to work if it's to work with the restore.
