Broken script since update libsodium


Verified User
Jan 19, 2013
The Netherlands
Since I updated libsodium from 1.0.16 to 1.0.17 (with custom build) my script is broken. This script passes variables to the whois, but whois produces errors. An update to a newer version of did not fixed it.

How do I revert back to libsodium 1.0.16? So I can check it is indeed libsodium!

I cannot imagine that libsodium has anything to do with it, but I don't have any other ideas.
Sodium is a modern, easy-to-use software library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more.

Any one has a clue?
Thanks. Bookmarked that page!

./build libsodium is now finished without a problem.
I'll report back if this has solved my problem.
Just to mention it: I think you would need to build php after build libsodium. You can see wich version is still installed in PHP by creating a PHP info page, as it will display libsodium and the version number.
libsodium is not to be found anywhere in phpinfo(). But thanks anyway for pointing that out.

Directly after downgrading libsodium the problem with my script was NOT solved. About 24 hours later the problems with the script vanished by itself.
Strange, I see no relation with libsodium. But my guess is there was a temporary failure with the bash command whois.

Thanks for all the help.
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You should be able to see Sodium in a phpinfo page, if not something is wrong. Did you recompile PHP? Here is a image from my phpinfo page:


Edit/uppdate: Do you have a custom folder in custombuild with a custom configure.php7x file? If so, that is why you don't see Sodium in a phpinfo page, you would then need to update your custom configure.php7x file manually by adding:

--with-sodium=/usr/local \

But I guess it is off topic now, because the problem solved itself like you said.
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Libsodium was offered as an update with CustomBuild, so it is part of the files CB maintains. I do not know if it is actually used somewhere. After updating I experienced problems with my bash script (nothing to do with php). But this seems coincidence to me now.
I did not customize or added libsodium anywhere. Except for the tip Martynas showed me in post #2.
libsodium is used by PHP, it is a replacement for mcrypt wich was removed from PHP version 7.2. As said, it should be in a phpinfo page, if not you have a "custom" directory in custombuild with a custom configure.php7x file, and that is why you don't get the update with libsodium in PHP. But I agree it is likely not related to the problem you described.