Brute Force Monitor Not Working Properly


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
Its definitely not working properly.

All i see is Brute Force Monitor doing is scanning wordpress logs which is pretty useless. I mean, whats the point of scanning Wordpress logs when a brute force plugin is already installed for MOST wordpress installations especially if you are using Installatron? That only wastes cpu resources scanning WP logs AGAIN. There is really no need to scan those logs again???

But in order to have BFM scan other logs you need to select ALL LOGS. It would be nice if this was broken out so we could stop scanning WP LOG and concentrate on other logs.

For example, I have tons of people trying to guess passwords in exim. You can see this in /var/log/exim/mainlog.

I DONT SEE one entry out of 126 pages where BFM has picked up a single entry from exim or any other log. All i see are entries scanned from Wordpress.

Where are the exim entries?

Not only that, those block scripts do nothing. They dont add a single ip to CSF as of late. Ye ye i read it only does that if they are hitting port 2222 but until i updated those scripts recently actually those ips were being added to CSF without a problem prior to that.