Brute force option......


Verified User
Oct 12, 2007
Thx for this wonderful function.... (not really)

Our support line has gone mad with customers which suddenly got message of these attacks...

Maybe a hint or tip for upcoming changes or updates for directadmin

Set reports default OFF and let the user chose if he or she wants these messages or not.........
Or you would have checked the forum for the first message you had and find out why it is mailing you and in a few minutes you can tell your costemers to add the default thing for bruteforce monitor to set to off
in a few minutes

That works with a very small company with a few servers however I woke up to several thousands of these emails and had to spend a couple of days turning off the notices. Not to mention deleting from my inbox. And I had other customers with leased severs asking what to do as well since they also got thousands of these emails.

This is not the first time DirectAdmin has done this, turned on an annoying feature by default. I am now looking at other control panels.

One of the last updates made it so I could not transfer users with capital letters. Its a good thing I had a old binary I could use to get them transferred.

I love DirectAdmin. I hate some of the policies on updates.