BUG: Delete User & IP Management


Verified User
Jul 19, 2005
When you create a user and assign an IP address, then you delete that user, the IP continues to stay "owned" by the deleted user in IP Management. Nothing can be done to that IP.

I had to manually go into the data file to set the status back to "free" and remove the already deleted user's name.

This can only be a bug and should be rectified ASAP. There is evidence on this forum of a user reporting this problem almost a year ago, I can't believe this bug is still in there.
What version of DirectAdmin are you running, and operating system. Do you have a link to that old thread?

Have you notified DirectAdmin? They aren't able to read every single post on these forums so it's quite likely that the other one slipped by, or that they couldn't reproduce the problem on their own boxes.