Bug found: autoresponders


Verified User
Aug 22, 2004

I have found a bug in the email management: autoresponders.

If i add a autoresponder to a mailaccount, the autoreply will be send, but the received mail in the mailbox themselfe is not delivered ...

Running latest DA on Redhat 9.


Is this a bug or a feature?

It's been discussed previously. Search the forum.

exim mailscanner


Thanks for your reply.

I have done the exim.conf update:
wget -O /etc/exim.conf http://files.directadmin.com/services/exim.conf
wget -O /etc/exim.pl http://files.directadmin.com/services/exim.pl
chmod 755 /etc/exim.pl
cd /etc/virtual
touch whitelist_from
touch blacklist_domains
touch use_rbl_domains
echo 0 > limit
mkdir usage
chown mail:mail whitelist_from blacklist_domains use_rbl_domains limit usage

But now, i think antivirus en spamfilter (mailscanner) is not working anymore, in fact, i don't get reports. I have send an eicar file for testing, it was not deliverd but it's also not in the quarantine folder, en mailscanner doens't send any reports anymore ...

Really need help

These forums are not an official support venue. If you need support, email [email protected]

I believe that is something like how Jeff puts it, or pretty close to it.

DA staff attempts to participate as much as possible in these forums, but it is not always possible. The best, most reliable way to get is help is to send them an email ;)
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It's NOT a bug, but a feature with a wrong name.

Half a year ago I've had problems with this one. You have to use 'vacation messages' for it to work the way you want.

What it does is this:
1. Get mail, ignore all content
2. send back a mail containing the info that has been preprogrammed.
Use when:
* you need to send information to users that send an mail to a certain address ignoring mail content.

(vacation message)
1. Get mail
2. Send back message to sender
3. Put it in the incoming mailbox file
Use when:
* You want to send automated 'I received message'
* I am on vacation message
* I will read it when I get to it message
* I am going to change my e-mail address to xxxxx, this address will work until xxxxx message

So if you want to be able to read the mail send to it, use vacation message.
(Otherwise John should change the name/help for it, to make it a bit more clear).

Note: It doesn't matter if you use MailScanner/Clam or not in this case.

But now, i think antivirus en spamfilter (mailscanner) is not working anymore, in fact, i don't get reports.
Yeah, you disabled that by replacing your incomming config, it now sends directly to the mailbox, instead of to the MailScanner files (which send it through to the deliver system, which isn't used now anymore).