Bug in directadmin licenses


Verified User
Aug 20, 2008
When I install directadmin in my server for first time I see this massage in Licensing / Updates in panel :
Time Remaining 31 days
If I reload OS and install directadmin again after 29 days I see this massage in Licensing / Updates in panel:
Time Remaining 31 days
But this should be Time Remaining 2 days.
If Time Remaining = 1 days and I chaged server date and set it to 30 days ago I see Time Remaining 31 days
I think directadmin license validation metods should be changed such as cpanel.
I think it is better license for IP x.x.x.x expired immediately in server x.x.x.x after change it to other IPs such as cpanel.
If this is done directadmin will not be needed to set change IP limites to 5 times.
Thank you
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I think you might be looking at the portioned time left?

Info on how that works:

Right now, the design allows for all of our servers to be down, and everyone's version of DA will continue to run (not that this is a common thing), but that's why we went that route.

Yes, if we wanted 100% control, we could have DA do live queries to our licensing server to only start up if the license is valid, but I'd sooner let some invalid licenses continue to work for a short period, rather than having some valid licenses not work, should there be a connection issue somewhere.
I'm in no rush to setup such a system, as it would require extensive redundant systems, as it's essentially a self inflicted DDOS :)

Can you create a expire date opition in license panel for select a date of expire for a IP via your useres or resellers?
Thank you
Can you create a expire date opition in license panel for select a date of expire for a IP via your useres or resellers?
I'm not clear on your question.. a license/IP already has an expiry date.

@Mehdi Tamaddon
No, it means if you have a a license that expires many years away, at no point will you have a license.key that is valid past 30 days.
After 30 days, you download another, to extend it another 30 days, up until the true license expiry.

You can remove "Update License" button from Licensing / Updates at last and license can be updated from SSH.
User can be update your license after "Valid Until" date/time.
Thank you
You can remove "Update License" button from Licensing / Updates at last and license can be updated from SSH.
User can be update your license after "Valid Until" date/time.
Thank you

Please add a "valid until time" option to licenses in client area and time remaining for license in directadmin panel calculated on the basis of.

With this I can set a validity date for licenses