Bug in ipswap.sh?


NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
Is there a bug in ipswap.sh?

We ran it several times to change all domains to the server IP so we could reassign everything (we moved to a new server).

Now the main IP is no longer called the Server IP on the CMD_IP_MANAGER change.

It's just listed as shared.

Then I added back an IP# and ran ipswap.sh again, moving everything away from the main IP# to a temporary IP#. And then again, to switch it back.

That was probably a mistake; now it's listed as belonging to our first reseller.

Yet all the domains do appear to be using it.

But ...

When I add additional IP#s through the interface they show up in the CMD_IP_MANAGER page as assigned to the reseller. And they show up in the reseller list. But not in the drop down boxes for the domains.

So I mark them as shared and then unshare them.

Now they show up in the domain drop down boxes...

But now the user list shows completely incorrect IP#s.

All I need now is:

1) a way to tell the system that .226 is my server IP#.

2) a way to move all the users' domains to that IP#.

3) a way to change the sites that need their own IP to the the IP# they need.


Anyone run into these issues?

Well when I moved a server last month, I didnt use ipswap.sh but simply did it like this.

Add ips to DA normally.

Set a shared ip ( I dont use server ip )
Restore accounts in reseller level and choose ip to restore them to.
Tweak nameservers.

I understand tho you are just moving ip's around so doing it with the restore feature isnt really viable.

The "show all users" page uses a cache. The cache didn't get updated, so I ran:
echo "action=cache&value=showallusers" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
As for moving the 226 IP to the server IP, I edited /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ips/x.x.x.226, set "status=server", "reseller=" (blank) and "value=#" (# = the number of users with the IP).

Likely the 226 IP was added to DA manually and then the ipswap.sh was run. Normally, you'd want to let the ipswap add the IP for you so that it does a direct replacement of the IP you want.

I look into the cache problem with the ipswap.sh script.

Thanks, John.

Are you adding that action line in the next release to always update the cache? Or will we have to do it each time we run ipswap.sh?
