BUG IPV4 Hostname SSL Was Skipped Due To Unreachable /.well-known?


Verified User
Mar 18, 2016
I may have found a bug in the letsencrypt script /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/letsencrypt.sh

I have a server setup that has an IPV6 but it is not enabled in directadmin.conf /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf

In that case the letsencrypt script assumes the well known file can be reached on IPV6 which it cant.

This started to play up in the last 3 months before that this worked fine.

Here is a screenshot of the bugfix that will work, at least it worked for me, you have to modify /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/letsencrypt.sh and do this again when it gets updated automatically until the bug is fixed


The errors I got before fixing this were

[root@yourdomain scripts]# ./letsencrypt.sh request_single `hostname -f` 4096
Setting up certificate for a hostname: yourdomain.com
yourdomain was skipped due to unreachable http://yourdomain.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/ file.
No domains pointing to this server to generate the certificate for.
I have a server setup that has an IPV6 but it is not enabled in directadmin.conf
Odd indeed, because the script says if $DA_IPV6 so you doublechecked the ipv6=0 or use that setting yourself in the directadmin.conf file?

In fact what you present is a workaround, because unless you chattr the letsencrypt.sh file, on the next script update it will be overwritten.

Better solution is to just disable ipv6 on your system if you don't use it anyway. Mostly that can be easily done.
And then nothing is using ipv6, not Letsenrypt, not Exim or named so that is a real solution.