Richard G
Verified User
Again the same issue on renewing hostname certificate.
Related thread:
see post #9 and #10.
Related ticket number: #34284
Every time when the hostname certificate gets renewed with Letsencrypt we loose the DHE ciphers:
and only the ECDHE ciphers are present again.
DA staff fixed this then in a 2.0.22 if all is well, so the 4096 is added again when the hostname is renewed, at least it should be. But unfortunately now 3 months later on the first update.
I'll reopen the ticket too in case investigation with login is needed.
Related thread:
exim issue diffie hellman
I was told now that Letsencrypt defaults to EC ciphers and it seems HP printers do only use RSA ciphers, also on TLS 1.2. They are a bit older but still not out of date and used for TLS. So at least we have a cause now. It might well be that on the hostname LE renewal it switched to EC. They are...
Related ticket number: #34284
Every time when the hostname certificate gets renewed with Letsencrypt we loose the DHE ciphers:
| TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 - strong
| TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 - strong
and only the ECDHE ciphers are present again.
DA staff fixed this then in a 2.0.22 if all is well, so the 4096 is added again when the hostname is renewed, at least it should be. But unfortunately now 3 months later on the first update.
I'll reopen the ticket too in case investigation with login is needed.