[BUG] move_user_to_reseller.sh doesn't move IPs between resellers


Verified User
Oct 31, 2003
IPs the reseller owns are stored here:

Info about each IP is stored here:

When a user is moved, his IPs go with him, but those files are not updated.
The new reseller will have no control over those IPs.
The admin won't be able to change the owner because they are assigned to users.
The question then arises (for shared IPs):

1) should the new Reseller be given the rights to the old IPs
2) should the IPs of the User be updated to the IPs that the new Reseller has?

The new reseller will have no control over those IPs.
correct, they didn't belong to the new Reseller before, so should they belong to him now?

Note that the User can still use their previous IP.. nothing else is really affected. The Reseller should still have the ability to change the IP of the User to a value he does control. However, it would be a one-way trip, since he doesn't control the old values.

The admin won't be able to change the owner because they are assigned to users.
I'm not clear on this comment. If you're referring to owned IPs, then yes, that would be fix which should be done, since that is one case where I would say the IP should be sent to the new Reseller, without much question. It's the issue of shared IPs that needs some discussion.

I've just encountered this issue with an user owned IP.

Is there a manual fix or are we lumbered with it unless that account is removed for that IP to become 'free'?
@John - I was talking about owned IPs. None of them moved.
I think the simplest thing to do would be to move the IPs over to the new reseller. A change like that happens after an agreement between resellers and the new one will need to make sure his account allows him to have those extra IPs. The old one could ask for new IPs to the server admin.
That way, there would be no disruption for the user, especially if they are using external APIs, etc. There would also be no extra work regarding reverse DNS entries.

@Peter - You need to edit those IP files I mentioned and add/remove the IPs manually.