[Bug report] Deactivating spamassassin deletes all settings in DA


Verified User
Jan 19, 2011
I briefly had to deactivate Spamassassin in Directadmin, and after reactivating it again, all settings were lost. Obviously, having to re-set a few radio buttons isn't a big deal, but losing blacklist and whitelist is actually quite painful. I consider this a bug and would be happy to see it fixed.
For some reason, when I stumble into one problem, there's always more to come...

Bug #2: Even if you select all options (including "E-Mail Data" and "E-Mail Settings"), account backups run via Direct Admin do NOT include the user_prefs file in /home/user/.spamassassin

Similarly, it also doesn't include the bayes database in the same directory - which I don't understand, since it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain a decent bayes database, so why sacrifice it willingly in case of system failure?
For the #2, if you extract an backup file, you'll find a home.tar.gz file in the 'backup' dir. Inside this tar you'll find the .spamassin subdir and the user pref files.
But indeed, that's pretty much it. The auto-whitelist and bayes* file are in the same directory as the SA user_prefs, so it looks like some files are missing in the backups.
Brilliant - I totally overlooked that one. All there now - thanks for the quick response!