[BUG] setup.sh / BFM - skip list feature labotomy


Verified User
Jan 3, 2006
I have a couple CB 1.2 installations and have been working with the BFM and think I finally know why the skip list seems to do nothing.. An integral BFM script managed to escape. (re: Skip List )

I don't get the impression the missing script is intended to be user created. I suppose it's absence may go unnoticed because of the popularity of CSF / LFD enhancements.
Example: brute_force_notify_pre.sh ?

Can anyone confirm /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/brute_skip.list actually does anything?

Based on what I can find to read it seems the skip list is maintained but completely unused aside from holding a comments for the IPs.

Further it appears that brute_force_notify_pre.sh is required to enable the skip list to actually skip alerts being generated for IP in the skip list...

Since the 'add to skip list' is a basic part of the BFM system (?) as opposed to the 'block ip' optional feature I'd like to know if anyone can post their brute_force_notify_pre.sh since I don't have one?

If I'm misunderstanding the skip list feature, and it's totally optional and user created and implemented then I'd appreciate clarification since http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=1234 is kind of confusing to me since AFAIK I didn't customize DA in order to show me a [add to skip list] button.

Anyhow, I suppose it won't kill me to refresh my memory on shell script right now.. I did have other things I wanted to do but also don't want to let this issue fall through the cracks either.