[BUG] Suspended domain becomes unsuspended on monthly reset


Verified User
Jan 3, 2004
Recently our customer reported a problem:
He suspended one of his domains inside user panel on April, but found it unsuspended on May, suspended on May - found it unsuspended on June. Domain doesn't have bw limit in user account, and account itself wasn't suspended (nor by hands, nor by tally) during all that period.

I have made simple test on our empty server - added second domain to user's account and suspended it.
echo 'action=reset&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
And after few minutes that domain becomes unsuspended!

It's not very comfortable for customers to suspend same domain every month by hands, so I hope that issue will be fixed in next release.
We have this problem on our system also. Is this not solved yet? or is there no solution yet?
Why suspend your customers? Because they have used up monthly bandwidth. :p Therefore, it is reset monthly. I have not tried it, but expect that it works like that. :D
Why suspend your customers? Because they have used up monthly bandwidth. :p
What happens if its the 27th, they don't pay their bill, so you suspend them, they take ages (weeks) to pay (believe me, it happens), 1st of month comes, DA activates the account.

I agree, not a bug, but.
You are right. But I would not keep the customers who do not pay their invoices. Simply send the notice of cancellation so they pay, this sounds more terrifying than just suspend.
You all understood it wrong, it is not when you suspend the user from inside the reseller panel. It is if the user from inside the user panel suspend one of his domains... So the user itself suspend his domain, so it has nothing to do with bandwidth or payment, the user himself decide to suspend his domain.

Just to clarify, domain level suspensions don't have the "account=OFF" option, like the User level suspensions have. The account=OFF in the user.conf tells DA that this was decided by a person, and not a bandwidth limit.

Since domains don't have this flag in domains/domain.com.conf, when the reset comes around, DA doesn't know how the domain was suspended, only that it is, thus it gets unsuspended.

Again, this is for Domain Level suspensions, triggered by Users, and not User Level suspensions triggered by Resellers.

I've added a versions entry for this issue:
