[bug] unable to access webmail, password change issue


Verified User
Dec 8, 2013
Logged in as a reseller, i change password of one of the accounts. I go into the account. I click Webmail and on /roundcube/?_task=login page i try to insert my [default] marked e-mail account e-mail [email protected]
and password of the directadmin user account
-> "Login failed"
I go to list of e-maila ccounts and click to change password. To my surprise the password changing page do not show changing e-mail account password, but like general account password and has by default ticked options to change "also" DA password, FTP password and main database account password.

This is strange and consufing, because i want to change e-mail account password and i definately do not want to break my php script by changing mysql password.

So i unticked all three tickboxes on that password change page. It said password was changed, but i am still unable to login webmail using [email protected].
So i try to change password again, but to my surprise, it says my old password is wrong. It seems that despite DA shown password change successfull earlier, it did not changed the password. So this is one bug to note.

I also on default e-mail account password change tried to tick the DA account and FTP account tickboxes and it changed the password (because on next change attempt it was aware about new password), but despite of that i continue to having trouble accessing Roundcube default mailbox using login: [email protected] and new password.

After wasting some more time, i found that Roundcube log me in when the username is "myusername" instead of "[email protected]". But i can not find any e-mails inside that account (myusername@localhost), despite in the list of E-mail accounts (2222/user/email/accounts) the account [email protected] shows Usage to be 5MB of space.

Summary of issues and suggested fixed:

1. the default e-mail account password changing process is confusing and buggy (reported that the password was changed, but was not) - you should possibly show some notice on the page where default email account password is changed. notify user that the default email account password changing means to change DA account password and make appropriate tickbox mandatory and mysql tickbox unticked (if there is risk it can break connection of hosted php scripts to a mysql database)

2. confusion where i do not know how to access my default e-mail account (the full e-mail address is not working) either make a workaround so i can login webmail using full e-mail address of the default email account or remove @mydomain.com from the list of e-mail accounts near the default account name.

3. confusion where the default e-mail account shows 5MB of used space in the list of e-mail accounts, but the myusername@localhost account Roundcube webmail shows no e-mails in it (maybe myusername@localhost and [email protected] is different i do not know)

I am missing menu entry in the e-mail ccounts list so i can quickly go into particular account and read e-mails.
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> you are looking for single signon

thanks. i asked my hosting provider if he can enable this. But hopefuly you understand that the reason i spent time creatign this topic is the hope that you will improve the DA for all users, not just ones that gets unhappy and find this discussion topic in order to ask their server admins to apply the single signon feature. I hope it can be anbled by default (maybe if you think it is necessary, then after server admin confirm he want to enable it during DA upgrade).
PS: single signon (SSO) does not work for the default account :-(

> enable this feature: https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=2164

if you mean it will fix the issue where Roundcube does not accept full email address during login, i hope that this feature is planned to be tested and included ins table build + enabled by default.

- - - -
points 1. and 3. from my first initial post of this topic were not yet addressed.

> we'll test them them out

thank you
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i updated my previous post (SSO not available for the default e-mail account)