build exim shows custombuild help


Verified User
Dec 27, 2005
So I was looking to upgrade from exim 4.72->4.73
After doing, ./build update
when I do ./build exim
It simply outputs the commands you can use with custombuild, instead of building exim.

When I check the versions.txt, it has the exim 4.73 md5.
When I check options, it shows exim is set to yes.

Did this get disabled for some reason?
It looks like custombuild 1.2 might support a ./build exim but custombuild 1.1 doesnt. I see a ./build exim on custombuild 1.2 so you might want to try that one instead if you dont want to manually build from source code.
I think thats were I was confused, some people were referring to custombuild 1.2 but didn't realize it.