Build ProFTP instead of PureFTP


New member
Feb 8, 2014
user@server:/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild# ./build set proftpd yes
proftpd is not a valid option.

Hi there!
I got a fresh DA installation on Ubuntu 14.04. When trying to use Custombuild to install ProFTP instead of PureFTP (which came with the installation) I get the answer "proftpd is not a valid option". I executed "./build update" before "./build set proftp yes".
Any ideas?

The system now seems to use PureFTP, but I can't find any config files to put the Passive Mode ports in, so Passive Mode doesn't work atm.

Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,

The system now seems to use PureFTP, but I can't find any config files to put the Passive Mode ports in, so Passive Mode doesn't work atm.
Did you open the according ports in your firewall?
Pureftpd uses all settings in the init scripts. By default it says -p 35000:35999 so these are the Passive ports and they should be able to make at least outgoing connections. If you want you can change those ports in the init script.
Proftpd uses the same port range so if you are having PASV issue's, changing to proftpd probably won't help you.