build Zend Optimizer unsuccessfully


Verified User
Nov 14, 2008
# ./build clean
# ./build zend
Downloading .tar.gz...
fetch: Not Found
Fileserver is down, using the backup file server..
fetch: Not Found
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '.tar.gz': No such file or directory

Location of php.ini:
Press return to continue...

./build: ./ not found

I tried to update the script, I ran every 'update' commands that the custombuild script has but none of them succeed to solve it.
That's the problem :) If you want to install zend optimizer on FreeBSD 7.1, do:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
perl -pi -e 's#6.0\|6.1\|6.2\|6.3\|7.0#6.0\|6.1\|6.2\|6.3\|7.0\|7.1#' build
./build zend
Thanks, working now :)

Downloading ZendOptimizer-3.3.3-freebsd6.0-i386.tar.gz...

there's no problem that its for freebsd6.0?
I will do this, thanks alot.

And just another issue if you are already here,
I am trying to install xCache on this server but it seems that it doesn't work fine.
How should I install xCache then? what's the right way to install it over directadmin and apache?
Just be aware that using XCache (or APC or any other PHP opcode cacher/optimizer) makes sense only with either mod_php or FastCGI.

This is because there must be only one permanent istance of PHP per server or per user. I written a FastCGI/XCache guide here:
I've had some problems with XCache though, now I run APC (installed with "pecl install apc", you just have to modify the php.ini accordingly) and it's worth the effort.
looking to add Zend and would like a hand with the proper way to accomplish
Zend Optimizer.

System says
Compiled on Redhat Enterprise 4.0
but I most sure it is
CentOS 4.x

Server Version 1.33.7

found this
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set zend yes
./build zend
would you say that this site is correct?
Use custombuild instead.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set zend yes
./build zend
just installed zend with custombuild, normal php work fine, but zended file show me a blank page :(

can anyone help?

# tail /var/log/httpd/error_log
[Wed Jul 29 23:34:43 2009] [notice] child pid 17568 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Jul 29 23:38:24 2009] [notice] child pid 19987 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
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[Wed Jul 29 23:41:47 2009] [notice] child pid 23744 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Jul 29 23:41:47 2009] [notice] child pid 24513 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Jul 29 23:41:49 2009] [notice] child pid 26070 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Jul 29 23:41:53 2009] [notice] child pid 26074 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Jul 29 23:41:54 2009] [notice] child pid 27696 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Jul 29 23:42:00 2009] [notice] child pid 22258 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Wed Jul 29 23:43:54 2009] [notice] child pid 32067 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
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