Cache and IO Solution


Verified User
Mar 13, 2012
Dear Supporter,
I run http://myserver/server-status and have following info:
Current Time: Thursday, 07-Jun-2012 06:02:52 ICT
Parent Server Generation: 0
Server uptime: 15 hours 49 minutes 49 seconds
Total accesses: 51272 - Total Traffic: 532.6 MB
CPU Usage: u77.5 s5.84 cu0 cs0 - .397% CPU load
2.44 requests/sec - 26.0 kB/second - 10.6 kB/request
2 requests currently being processed, 8 idle workers

CPU: 3.47 URL: /tin/tin/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/nino2.jpg HTTP/1.1
CPU: 1.00 URL: /tin/tin/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/nino2.jpg HTTP/1.1
CPU: 1.75 URL: /forum/images/ranks/ranking_fansub.gif HTTP/1.1
CPU: 3.51 URL: /forum/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur HTTP/1.1
CPU: 10.89 URL: /tin/wp-content/themes/VN-News/scripts/date.js HTTP/1.1
CPU: 4.76 URL: /forum/highslide/graphics/outlines/glossy-dark.png HTTP/1.1
CPU: 1.30 URL: /forum/images/smilies/onion/nosey.gif HTTP/1.1
CPU: 1.11 URL: /forum/highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur HTTP/1.1

So as you see, the static file jpg, gif, cur, js, png takes a lot of CPU, don't know if this is the IO problem, or this is because the cache is not process very good?

The top command still showing cache memory:
Cpu(s): 18.2%us, 1.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 69.9%id, 9.8%wa, 0.2%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 2335120k total, 2276124k used, 58996k free, 283608k buffers
Swap: 6144852k total, 237272k used, 5907580k free, 1249812k cached

Thank you.
9.8%wa is pretty high.
you should consider to serve static files with nginx instead of apache.