Can I change CentOS for Debian server?


Verified User
Dec 10, 2008
Hi, I want to change my linux from my server, I want to install a debian server instead of CentOS. How can I?
Ah, sure. Thanks !

EDIT: They told me that they will change in 2 days. Is it normal?
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Ah, sure. Thanks !

EDIT: They told me that they will change in 2 days. Is it normal?
They're having to wipe the drive and reinstall a new OS. Some hosts actually charge for this, so as long as you're not in any hurry, 2 days should be alright. Though make sure if you put any data on the server that you need, that you make a backup of it.
Nope It is all Ok, I think is normal cause they should have more work, 2 days is enough, but 2 DAYS. I have only 2 days of server, I don't like CentOS for my little gaming server. Thanks ! =]
You need to make sure you change your directadmin license to debian too. If it came with your server then your hosting provider should do this for you.