Can i disable [Bandwidth usage ] for some of the user in DA server ?


Verified User
Jul 2, 2004
Can i disable [Bandwidth usage ] for some of the user in DA server ?

Because I don't want to let some of the user know their bandwidth usage . ;) ;)

Does anyone has a idea on it ?:confused:

:D It's nice to have your idea .
there is no easy way to do it that I know of. You'd have to disable stats and rig the count files to always say 0 or something. Then of course you wouldn't have that users bandwidth usage either so its not a very good way togo.
I think it is very difficult to download this type of skin except it do by me ...

BUt ... it is too difficult for me ..... I just a newbie of directadmin .

:D : BUt.. thank you all of you here . :p
You can either jump into skin development, or ask someone else to do it for you.

There are plenty of people on these forums who know how to create skins; you might find someone who'd do it at no charge; you might find someone who would do it for a payment.
