Can I downgrade php 5.5 cli to php 5.3 in custom build 2?


Verified User
Feb 22, 2013
Dear Support
Can I downgrade php 5.5 cli to php 5.3 in custom build 2?
i recently installed custom build 2.0 in new server but i need php 5.3
some of my scripts works with php 5.3 can i install both of them? (yes I can) but how to config it to know which user use php 5.3 and ...
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set php1_release 5.3
./build php n
thank you smtalk for your quick answer
but can i use php 5.3 in second one?
how my server know when use php 5.3 and when use 5.5?

I rebuilt to 2.0 yesterday and php is now 5.5 while our CRM is not going to support this in months.
Everything else is working so I've got to downgrade but am careful.

That brings us this question, what is the risk in downgrading?

(I'm sorry if it's a too silly question...)
I downgraded from 5.5 to 5.3 with the above command :)
Seems okay, I had to repair Installatron, this was the only bump I hope...
I think I was to enthousiast, just got 502 gateway error when opening phpmyadmin.

Found this in the Nginx error log: connect() to unix:/usr/local/php55/sockets/webapps.sock failed
Let's fix this :-) I'm searching as we speak!
Are you running nginx as a stand-alone web server or as a reverse proxy?
I'm not sure :( It's a dedicated Debian machine with nginx
After downgrading php is it necesary to rebuild configs also? (just thinking...)
No, it's not required to do that. You may give "./build nginx; ./build php n" a try.
I see it's trying to open /usr/local/php55/sockets/webapps.sock for some reason... :) Please try:
perl -pi -e "s#php55#php53#" /etc/nginx/webapps_settings.conf[COLOR=#333333]
/etc/init.d/nginx restart[/COLOR]

That should fix your problems :)

in the error log:
*13 connect() to unix:/usr/local/php55/sockets/webapps.sock failed
invalid PID number "" in "/var/run/"

Forget this, that one crossed your solution!
Thanks a lot!!!!

I feel a big weight falling of my shoulders.... let's see what's next now hahaha...

Thanks again! :D