You can use the windows versions of the regular GNU Linux utilities to create tar.gz files on Windows. I have just created an archive for you that should contain the necessary utilities. Here is how to use them:
1. Download the .zip file and extract the contents directly into your C:\Windows directory. (Note: Tar requires msvcrt.dll to be present on your system. If you have Windows XP, you should have it. If not, I have included it in the zip file just in case.)
2. You are now ready to use it. You will have to use the windows command-line to create the tar.gz files. So, go to start->Run, then type cmd, hit enter.
3. Since you extracted the files into your C:\Windows, (which is part of your PATH variable), you can now simply cd into the directory that contains the files that you want to create the tarball with.
For example, let's say you want to put ALL the files in a directory into a tarball, let's say that the directory is C:\website. And let's say you want to create a tarball named webstuff.tar.gz. Here is what you would type:
cd \website
tar -cf webstuff.tar *
gzip -9 webstuff.tar
That's it! The -c on the tar command tells it to create an archive. The -f on the tar command tells it to create it as a file. The * after the tar command tells it you want to include ALL files and folders in the current directory in the archive. The -9 on the gzip command tells it to use the highest compression (on a scale from 1 to 9).
If you wanted the contents to be inside a folder when you extracted it, you could do this:
cd \
tar -cf webstuff.tar website
gzip -9 webstuff.tar
Both of these methods will create the file webstuff.taz by default. Now, you can use "My Computer" or "Windows Explorer" to rename it to webstuff.tar.gz. Just say yes at the warning about changing a file extension.
The .zip file containing the necessary files can be downloaded here:
I realize that many would be hesitant to run executable files gotten from another unknown person on the internet these days with all the virus threats going around. I assure you there is no virus in these files, but if you are still skeptical, you may download the files yourself from the original publishers here:
I merely put the necessary files in an archive to make it easier for you.
I hope this helps!