can I open a support ticket?


Verified User
May 13, 2008
My email icons in control panel are gon
my squirel email not working


I can send emails but can' receive emails

what should I do now
patch -p0 < /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/exim.conf.dovecot.patch
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build squirrelmail

P.S. make sure you don't have hide_webmail_links=1 in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf
It is just a week or so that i got DA
shall i go for? rebuild and all stuffs?
patch -p0 < /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/exim.conf.dovecot.patch
ok I did it and it did not solve the problem

login as: root
root@s password:
Last login: F13 2008 from 8
[root@server ~]# patch -p0 < /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/exim.conf.dovecot.patch
patching file /etc/exim.conf
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n]
Apply anyway? [n]
Skipping patch.
3 out of 3 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file /etc/exim.conf.rej
[root@server ~]# cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
[root@server custombuild]# ./build squirrelmail
cp: `/var/www/html/squirrelmail/data' and `/var/www/html/squirrelmail-1.4.17/data' are the same file
SquirrelMail 1.4.17 installation is done.
[root@server custombuild]#
I will

but right now I have solve this.
LOL I know should not use root to login:)
Hard to believe that there are DA admins running hosting companies and servers who have no idea what they are doing. It just amazes me.
For some reason people think they can buy a control panel and that will take
the place of an administrator.

There is no control panel that will do an admin's job. Control panels help an
admin but do not replace an admin.
Hard to believe that there are DA admins running hosting companies and servers who have no idea what they are doing. It just amazes me.


I am learning because when I hire people I need to know as much as I can to understand what they are talking about.

I pay 200 Dollars and every thing will be taken care of :p

I want to learn and here is a forum to ask!:D
where is Jeff?:)
Yesterday at 2:11 am (local time here when you posted) I was at home in bed :).

A few hours later I got up and traveled to our datacenter where I had to install a new nameserver for a client. A nameserver which should have been installed on Tuesday except that on Tuesday I was snowed in, in Las Vegas.

Today I'm at my home office in Riverside, California.

Does it matter as long as we can support our clients?

Or did you mean, Why doesn't Jeff respond?

As I've posted many times on these forums, I respond on these forums as time and resources permit. There are certain things I cannot do through the forum, and logging in to your server to find a problem is one of them.

Why don't I respond either by PM or by post, and tell you to hire me? Because past experience has shown me that most forum viewers don't want to see that. However it is noted in my siglines (a lot of viewers don't like that, either).

I do mention it from time to time if after a few days a poster hasn't gotten a helpful reply from anyone else, but never for the first day or two.
what should I do now
Probably take the advice I just wrote above, either by hiring me or someone else, to look at your server.
I pay 200 Dollars and every thing will be taken care of :p
I want to learn and here is a forum to ask!:D
No one knows why your server broke. If someone else had a similar problem you could probably find it in these forums, or else they would probably answer and help you; in general we're a helpful community.

You've asked. You've not gotten a response. Probably because no one reading this knows precisely how to help you without logging into your server and looking at the problem. My guess would be that if anyone could it would be smtalk (Martynas); since his suggestions haven't helped, it's time for someone who understands both Linux and DirectAdmin to log in and look at your server.
It is just a week or so that i got DA
shall i go for? rebuild and all stuffs?

That might be the least expensive way to fix it. But it appears to be a bit of overkill.

Note that if you want to contact me, please do it by email and not by PM; I read emails much more often than I read PMs.

Thanks Jeff!
You know I have 3 Servers , one of them is fully managed, one of them is a kind of semi managed and this one a kind of semi managed too

right now in case of apache get into problem / 24 hours monitoring ..bla bla
has been taken care of .. If some thing goes wrong I can call in middle of night
and they take care of it.

I am an administrator I know a little of every thing, photo shop ,fireworks, and few other graphic and multimedia softwares, web promotion bla bla bla.

I love to learn and I need to learn so than when I ask a guy to do it for me I know how much I have to pay, How much time is spent and what he is talking about

This forum is great I love it . an I appreciate all supports given.
And if business goes well I love to hire you and others.