Can i use lsapi in directadmin without colud linux installed


Verified User
Mar 24, 2020
my server has four php version one is mod_php and rest is php-fpm installed .
i want to installed fourth php version with lsapi is it possible
first version would be mod_php
second and third would be php-fpm
and last would be lsapi with php 8.1
mod_php will be drop support soon in next year. I think you should move to fastcgi.

I don't recommend to have 3php_mode in same server.

also "lsapi" will work only with litespeed/openlitespeed. Maybe...
How would change from mod_php to fpm please past all command to change I have four php version first is mod php and rest is fpm?
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set php1_mode php-fpm
./build set php2_mode php-fpm
./build set php3_mode php-fpm
./build set php4_mode php-fpm
./build set mod_ruid2 no
./build set htscanner yes
./build mod_htscanner2
./build php n
./build rewrite_confs
Above command will recompile all versions of php but I want to compile only first version of php can I use php_expert instead
What would be command for that
I want to change first version of php from 7.2 with mod php to 8.1 with fpm.please paste command for this using php expert
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set php1_release "8.1"
./build set php1_mode php-fpm
./build set mod_ruid2 no
./build set htscanner yes
./build mod_htscanner2
./build php_expert 8.1 fpm
./build rewrite_confs

Becarefully they have break change php-logic code between php7 and php8.
Check your application to makesure it comparitive with php8