can not create new users.


Verified User
Feb 26, 2008

I am having problems adding new users to my server.

I ran the set_permissions all script but no succes so far.

What happens:

Unix User created successfully

User's System Quotas set
User's data directory created successfully
Domains directory created successfully
Error Creating /home/testerrr/domains
Unknown error

Unable to create directory /home/testerrr/domains/,
A directory component in /home/testerrr/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating /home/testerrr/domains/
A directory component in /home/testerrr/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating /home/testerrr/domains/
A directory component in /home/testerrr/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating /home/testerrr/domains/
Unable to open /home/testerrr/domains/ for writing

Error creating /home/testerrr/domains/
A directory component in /home/testerrr/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Unable to create directory /home/testerrr/domains/,
A directory component in /home/testerrr/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Unable to create directory /home/testerrr/domains/,
A directory component in /home/testerrr/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error Creating Domain

User added to ssh config file.

It can not create any domain dir or the domains itself.

More logs,

2008:06:11-15:30:15: Unable to create /home/testerrr/domains/
2008:06:11-15:30:15: Unable to copy /home/redmgt/domains/default to /home/testerrr/domains/ : <b>A directory component in /home/testerrr/domains/ does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link</b><br>
Unable to create the directory /home/testerrr/domains/<br>

2008:06:11-15:30:15: error creating /home/testerrr/public_html : <b>Unknown error</b><br>

2008:06:11-15:30:15: Error creating ./../domains/ -> /home/testerrr/public_html/ : No such file or directory
2008:06:11-15:30:15: error writing /home/testerrr/public_html/.htaccess : Unable to open destination file: /home/testerrr/public_html/.htaccess No such file or directory<br>

Looks like directadmin is trying to copy files from 1 user to another when u make a new user. This cant be right can it ?
uhwh warehouse
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You can ignore all errors after this first one:
Error Creating /home/testerrr/domains
The first failure is causing a waterfall of errors, so we'll concentrate on the first one.

So.. check to see if /home/testerrr/domains was created or not.
Also see if /home/testerrr was created (DA would have mentioned if it wasn't).

So this would possibly be a quota error, or a permission error.
Make sure it's chowned to testerrr:testerrr and not to something like root.
Also, check quotas:
quota -v testerrr
Note this could be related:
Any files on your system in other places with the same UID as the UID used for the new user would automatically become the "owner" of those files, thus he's be instantly over his quota limit.
If that is the cause, any users created after this one (don't delete him) will probably work, since it would go to the next highest UID available.
