Can send from php_mail error I see group daemon was not found


Verified User
Apr 20, 2008
I tried many thing but I am not an expert on linux. Pop3 and smtp is working fine. But none of phpmail is working. I made a test php page which would send mail and when it is rendered I see:

mail() function is available.
Test message has been sent to [email protected]

But no mail is recieved.

Only thing happens in paniclog in exim:

Exim configuration error in line 571 of /etc/exim.conf:
group daemon was not found

And in that line: group =daemon

This is a fresh installed server in vps but do not thing something related to vps after I googled.

Thanks in advance
It was just a permission issue. I set group file to 644 and it was fine now. But on fresh install why I had this issue is what I wonder.
Thanks to myself:)