Can you install WHMCS on a DirectAdmin server?


Verified User
Mar 26, 2020
Los Angeles
Can you install WHMCS on a DirectAdmin server? And if so, is there a tutorial on how to set up the DirectAdmin server to work with WHMCS?

Also, can you migrate WHMCS to DirectAdmin from a cPanel server o.k.? I know there is a cPanel migration option in DirectAdmin, I'm just curious about the potential issues since any downtime would be costly.

If you ask whether or not it is possible to install/run WHMCS on a directadmin then, yes, it is possible. You can do a fresh installation of WHMCS on DA server, or migrate from cPanel. After a migration is completed you will need to reset your WHMCS license, as an IP and installation path might change.

If you are looking for somebody to do it for you, then yes. There are guys on the forums, who offer such a service. I'm available for this job as well.