Cannot access website sometimes (www vs. non-www)


Verified User
Jun 29, 2011
I have CentOS 5.5 server and hosting a couple of domains on there using DirectAdmin (v1.23.2). I notice a problem only on one of the domains. Sometimes, I cannot access the website via, but I can access it via And vice-versa. This problem has been happening more than once or twice a day and I am stumped where to begin troubleshooting. Please advice! Thanks.
The only way we could help you would be to test, and we can't test because you're hiding your domain information from us.

Why is your directadmin so outdated?

Its funny when people put things online and never update anything.

The better to ddos with :D
Wow didn't realize it was outdated. My host installed it for me initially, so I am not sure whether they have the license for the upgraded versions. I'll check into that.

Jeff, would it be OK if I PM you the site for troubleshooting? Sorry, I don't want to put it on a public forum.
Oops, I must have looked at a wrong thing for the DirectAdmin version. The real version was 1.38.4. I now just upgraded to the latest 1.39.1. Doesn't hurt I guess, the domain in question is [jdm city dot com].
What exactly happens when it doesnt work?

What browser do you use?

We need to determine if it is a server problem or a dns problem.

Both your nameservers are returning proper ips for the hostname and the glue records seem fine too.

Next time it doesnt work open up command prompt and type ping or ping whatever one isnt working and then see if it is resolving to an ip address or not.

Replace the ping command with your actual domain name.
My apologies for being vague. I received a "page not found" on Firefox or Chrome. I even tried removing cache and refreshing, as well as checking it on multiple computers, and got the same "page not found". Members of the site are also experiencing this problem.

Of course, when it goes down, I also pinged the website "ping" or "ping" (with my actual domains). If the www one works, the non-www one does not. And vice-versa.

I also stop and start "httpd" and "named" services via DirectAdmin. Sometimes it would fix the problem, sometimes not.

I recently update DirectAdmin to 1.39.1. If my settings are correct, I hope the update fixes this issue. I will see if members of the site still experience this issue.
Jeff, would it be OK if I PM you the site for troubleshooting? Sorry, I don't want to put it on a public forum.
If you want me to work for you commecially as a paid service, then email me at the address below in my siglines. I'm happy to help on the forums at no charge as time and resources permit, but if I'm to work for you, I do charge. Actually my core business is not webhosting; it's DirectAdmin support.

It definately might take some time to figure it out. Either the dns is wrong and pointing you to another server than you think, or there is a problem with apache vhost or htaccess redirect or something. Make sure when you ping it is is going to the right ip address that you know the virtual host is setup for.

You also might want to tail -f the httpd error or access log to see if you can figure anything out.

Make sure you dont have any redirects in .htaccess and maybe even when its happening try to put a different index.html or index.php page in place to see if it goes away.