Cannot find the script /etc/init.d/sshd


Verified User
Jan 28, 2011

I can not login via ssh "Process is stopped" so i will run rescue mode to fix issue how fix it in rescue mode?

You could also try to start the process via the service monitor in Directadmin.
If you are logged in as admin you could click on it, should look like this:

You can also view the log viewer from there and maybe see why ssh is stopped or not running.
That way it's more easy to investigate what is going wrong or if the service is just stopped.

It seems you are running systemd OS (Debian 8, Centos 7) with Directadmin compiled for system-V. You need to try and edit directadmin.conf and set systemd=1 in it, then restart directadmin. After it Directadmin will use systemd instead of system-v.
directadmin result is:

Cannot find the script /etc/init.d/sshd

It seems you are running systemd OS (Debian 8, Centos 7) with Directadmin compiled for system-V. You need to try and edit directadmin.conf and set systemd=1 in it, then restart directadmin. After it Directadmin will use systemd instead of system-v.

I have Centos 6 64bit

with rescue mode how find directadmin.conf?

Thank you.
There is NO Centos 6 in the list of systemd-based OS. Why do you think you need to follow my recommendations then?

Actually the best thing you might need to do is to reinstall OpenSSH. Kindly search in Internet on how to accomplish it.