Cannot install lego and letsencrypt


Verified User
Jan 17, 2022
Hello, I have problem with renew LE cert on one of my servers with Centos 6.

While I wanted to build lego or letsencrypt it shows just table with options to build...there are no any of this two from topic
The version of DA is - version=1.63.5 (from ./directadmin c)
Hello, I have problem with renew LE cert on one of my servers with Centos 6.

While I wanted to build lego or letsencrypt it shows just table with options to build...there are no any of this two from topic
The version of DA is - version=1.63.5 (from ./directadmin c)
Is it a 64bit OS? What's the version of CustomBuild?
Yes I was trying to do that but output after building letsencrypt is

 |                                                        |
 |            DirectAdmin WebServices Installer           |
 |     Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin      |
 |                   Version: 1.2.43                      |
 |                                                        |
 |  To build everything run:                              |
 |     ./build all                                        |
 |                                                        |
 | NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set |
 |      in the options.conf file, please take a look at   |
 |      "./build options"!                                |
 |  Install/update server components:                     |
 |     ./build apache                                     |
 |     ./build autoconf                                   |
 |     ./build automake                                   |
 |     ./build awstats                                    |
 |     ./build clamav                                     |
 |     ./build curl                                       |
 |     ./build dovecot                                    |
 |     ./build exim                                       |
 |     ./build freetype                                   |
 |     ./build iconv                                      |
 |     ./build icu                                        |
 |     ./build ioncube                                    |
 |     ./build libjpeg                                    |
 |     ./build libpng                                     |
 |     ./build libtool                                    |
 |     ./build libxml2                                    |
 |     ./build libxslt                                    |
 |     ./build m4                                         |
 |     ./build mailman                                    |
 |     ./build mcrypt                                     |
 |     ./build mhash                                      |
 |     ./build mod_perl                                   |
 |     ./build mysql                                      |
 |     ./build pcre                                       |
 |     ./build php                                        |
 |     ./build proftpd                                    |
 |     ./build pureftpd                                   |
 |     ./build suphp                                      |
 |     ./build spamassassin                               |
 |     ./build webalizer                                  |
 |     ./build zend                                       |
 |     ./build zlib                                       |
 |  Components configuration options:                     |
 |     ./build exim_conf                                  |
 |     ./build php-ini                                    |
 |     ./build rewrite_confs                              |
 |     ./build secure_php                                 |
 |  Install/update web applications:                      |
 |     ./build phpmyadmin                                 |
 |     ./build atmail                                     |
 |     ./build roundcube                                  |
 |     ./build squirrelmail                               |
 |     ./build uebimiau                                   |
 |  CustomBuild related options/functions:                |
 |     ./build create_options                             |
 |     ./build cron                                       |
 |     ./build options                                    |
 |     ./build set option_name value                      |
 |     ./build set_fastest                                |
 |     ./build set_fastest_quiet                          |
 |     ./build update_da                                  |
 |     ./build update_versions                            |
 |     ./build update_webapps                             |
 |     ./build used_configs                               |
 |     ./build versions                                   |
 |  Jailed shell (beta):                                  |
 |     ./build all_jail                                   |
 |     ./build coreutils                                  |
 |     ./build shell                                      |
 |     ./build smtp_mail                                  |
 |     ./jail/ user                           |
 |  Remove old build data:                                |
 |     ./build clean                                      |
 |     ./build clean_old_webapps                          |
 |  Get latest build script or (and) data:                |
 |     ./build update                                     |
 |     ./build update_script                              |
 |  Get data for current build script:                    |
 |     ./build update_data                                |
 |  Recommended for experienced users only (!):           |
 |     ./build php5-cli                                   |
 |     ./build php6-cli                                   |
 |     ./build php5-cgi                                   |
 |     ./build php6-cgi                                   |
 |     ./build todovecot                                  |
 |  You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input:    |
 |     ./build <option> d : do the default action         |
 |     ./build <option> y : answer yes to all questions   |
 |     ./build <option> n : answer no to all questions    |

Is it a 64bit OS? What's the version of CustomBuild?
How can I find this from CLI ?
CustomBuild 1.2 is end of life. Please upgrade to 2.0.
  • Like
Reactions: dfz
Yes I was trying to do that but output after building letsencrypt is

 |                                                        |
 |            DirectAdmin WebServices Installer           |
 |     Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin      |
 |                   Version: 1.2.43                      |
 |                                                        |
 |  To build everything run:                              |
 |     ./build all                                        |
 |                                                        |
 | NOTE: Command all will compile everything as it is set |
 |      in the options.conf file, please take a look at   |
 |      "./build options"!                                |
 |  Install/update server components:                     |
 |     ./build apache                                     |
 |     ./build autoconf                                   |
 |     ./build automake                                   |
 |     ./build awstats                                    |
 |     ./build clamav                                     |
 |     ./build curl                                       |
 |     ./build dovecot                                    |
 |     ./build exim                                       |
 |     ./build freetype                                   |
 |     ./build iconv                                      |
 |     ./build icu                                        |
 |     ./build ioncube                                    |
 |     ./build libjpeg                                    |
 |     ./build libpng                                     |
 |     ./build libtool                                    |
 |     ./build libxml2                                    |
 |     ./build libxslt                                    |
 |     ./build m4                                         |
 |     ./build mailman                                    |
 |     ./build mcrypt                                     |
 |     ./build mhash                                      |
 |     ./build mod_perl                                   |
 |     ./build mysql                                      |
 |     ./build pcre                                       |
 |     ./build php                                        |
 |     ./build proftpd                                    |
 |     ./build pureftpd                                   |
 |     ./build suphp                                      |
 |     ./build spamassassin                               |
 |     ./build webalizer                                  |
 |     ./build zend                                       |
 |     ./build zlib                                       |
 |  Components configuration options:                     |
 |     ./build exim_conf                                  |
 |     ./build php-ini                                    |
 |     ./build rewrite_confs                              |
 |     ./build secure_php                                 |
 |  Install/update web applications:                      |
 |     ./build phpmyadmin                                 |
 |     ./build atmail                                     |
 |     ./build roundcube                                  |
 |     ./build squirrelmail                               |
 |     ./build uebimiau                                   |
 |  CustomBuild related options/functions:                |
 |     ./build create_options                             |
 |     ./build cron                                       |
 |     ./build options                                    |
 |     ./build set option_name value                      |
 |     ./build set_fastest                                |
 |     ./build set_fastest_quiet                          |
 |     ./build update_da                                  |
 |     ./build update_versions                            |
 |     ./build update_webapps                             |
 |     ./build used_configs                               |
 |     ./build versions                                   |
 |  Jailed shell (beta):                                  |
 |     ./build all_jail                                   |
 |     ./build coreutils                                  |
 |     ./build shell                                      |
 |     ./build smtp_mail                                  |
 |     ./jail/ user                           |
 |  Remove old build data:                                |
 |     ./build clean                                      |
 |     ./build clean_old_webapps                          |
 |  Get latest build script or (and) data:                |
 |     ./build update                                     |
 |     ./build update_script                              |
 |  Get data for current build script:                    |
 |     ./build update_data                                |
 |  Recommended for experienced users only (!):           |
 |     ./build php5-cli                                   |
 |     ./build php6-cli                                   |
 |     ./build php5-cgi                                   |
 |     ./build php6-cgi                                   |
 |     ./build todovecot                                  |
 |  You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input:    |
 |     ./build <option> d : do the default action         |
 |     ./build <option> y : answer yes to all questions   |
 |     ./build <option> n : answer no to all questions    |

How can I find this from CLI ?
You can simply type ./build version this will produce an output with the current version of your custom build script and revision # (see my image) or read it from the top of the output if you just type ./build

Congrats on getting this fixed! Only if my issue was as simple :)


  • build version.jpg
    build version.jpg
    25.1 KB · Views: 11
To resolve the 'da build install lego' issue on direct admin while installing the SSL using lets encrypt. Can follow the below steps on your Cloud server.
$ cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/
$ ./build letsencrypt
$ lego --version

Can refer to the below screenshot!