Cannot Install SSL Certificate


Verified User
Feb 17, 2005
Hi all,
been a long time since I had to use the power of the forum to solve my DA problem.

The box has ran without a glitch for nearly 6 month, freakly AWSOME!

I bought a licence for DA and created a reseller.

I was trying to install a certificate, as a reseller

I logged in as the reseller and switched to user mode

Selected Install SSL certificate but was UNABLE to install .. thsi was the message

Could not execute your request


You can only add a certificate if you own the ip you are using

Went to the forum and decided to add this a cert across the board, meaning site wide certificate

logged in as Admin and still cannot get it
and when I logged in as Admin and selected user>
I have ZERO options

Can someone give me some advice
If you want to install a user's cert or a reseller's cert through the reseller's user control panel, you need the cert to be owned by the user and not shared.

What instructions were you following (from the forum) when you tried to install the "site wide" shared certificate?

There are plenty of posts explaining shared certificates on the forum.

I follow this instruction

Something interesting is also happening..

I haveonly one reseller account and every client of that reseller is on a separate IP, and ther reseller is the only on with that IP,yet

when I check under the reseller tools IP Management, i have 5 items using that dedicated IP?
went into list users to ensure that no one else use the IP except this reseller.
That is problem 1.

Second Problem
Logged in as Admin>
upon Creation , that user's domain details are NOT shown.!

Logged OUt
Log in as Reseller
try creating same domain, I was unable to do it also
toild me taht domain already exist!

Why is this happening?
Does the reseller have multiple domains or users? If so that might affect what shows up for the IP#.

If you believe everything on your end is correct I suggest you contact DA support.

Next time buy your cert from a company that supports DirectAdmin ;) .
