Cannot open the user password file for reading


Verified User
Oct 23, 2020
Okay firstly, i know this error has been posted on this forum a number of times and I know the fix .

Fixing this is a matter of creating the file

nano /etc/virtual/

and then running

echo "action=rewrite&value=email_passwd&" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d200

The question is


It's now happening a little too frequently for my liking and I need to sort it out from happening in the first place.

Where can I start digging for possible causes?

What brought to it? Created a new account? A new domain? Restored account from another server? Other?

What brought to it? Created a new account? A new domain? Restored account from another server? Other?

None of the above.

The accounts have been there for a while, they belong to resellers. For some reason a few selected resellers seem to get affected and the only common thing I can pick from them is that they use WHMCS.
None of the above.

WHMCS can not remove the file. There is no API for it.

Domain renamed? Suspended? Unsuspended? Email created? Email removed? Other? What exactly was done to the domain?

First of all I would investigate through logs which actions were done against the domain.
WHMCS can not remove the file. There is no API for it.

Domain renamed? Suspended? Unsuspended? Email created? Email removed? Other? What exactly was done to the domain?

First of all I would investigate through logs which actions were done against the domain.

Let me start with this , will dig up and see what I find.
I think what we may be wondering is when do you see this error?
I just noticed something else as well

The domains that are affected by this seem to have both folders in the /etc/virtual


So I am thinking that this might have been caused by failed suspension and un-suspension or another thought now is that could jet backup if someone restores a site from a date in which the site was suspended could the jetbackup restore the _off folder as well ?

Anyone got some ideas or theories ?
Have you checked the contents of both dirs?
The contents could give a hint about what action possibly created the dir while the domain was suspended.
For example, if there are dkim keys only, or only spam related settings.
Could jetbackup be causing this ?
I think so. Last few months JB is really unreliable and is having issues. For example a user.conf file could be changed in permissions by JB. Users get half removed because of not being able to access this user.conf file.
Seems like you also might want to check for logs if you are able to connect jetbackup actions to the file missing/changing time. And then open ticket at JB....
Hello everyone,

We appreciate everyone's feedback on JetBackup 5. This issue appears to be related to a known error where JetBackup couldn't locate the /etc/virtual/domain.com_off folder. We've addressed this issue on v5.3.10 and is available in the EDGE tier.

If the issue persists, feel free to contact our support team for assistance!

Best Regards,
Trenton V.
JetApps, LLC.
it still is there on 5.3.10, on 5.3.11 and on 5.3.12
Hello Stije,

I can see that you've opened a ticket with us. We will investigate this issue and provide updates on the ticket. We appreciate your continued patience!

Best Regards,
Trenton V.
JetApps, LLC